Social Health Authority (SHA) means testing for self employed Kenyans

The SHA has guidelines for self employed Kenyans to complete their means testing, a crucial process that determines their monthly contributions under the Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF).

According to Health Director-General Dr. Patrick Amoth, many Kenyans are being denied healthcare services because of incomplete means testing, which is required for primary and emergency services.

What is Means Testing?

Means testing is an assessment of a household’s financial capability, especially for those without a fixed salary. It looks at:
Household income
Housing conditions
Access to basic services

For employed individuals, SHA contributions are deducted from their salaries (2.75% with a minimum of KSh 300). But self employed individuals must do means testing to determine their contribution rate.

How to do SHA Means Testing

1️⃣ Visit the SHA Portal:
2️⃣ Login to your account
3️⃣ Go to “My Profile”
4️⃣ Click on the “Income” tab
5️⃣ Answer the set of income questions
6️⃣ The system will calculate your monthly/annual SHA contribution

Note: If you need help, consult Community Health Promoters (CHPs).

Why Means Testing is Important

Prevents denial of healthcare services due to incomplete registration
Ensures fair contribution rates based on income
Allows access to primary and emergency healthcare under SHA
Helps government to collect data on household incomes

Deadline: Self employed Kenyans are advised to do the means testing early to avoid delays when seeking medical attention.

For more information, visit or contact Ministry of Health.